Forgiveness is one act that is easier said than done;it is excruciatingly very difficult to forgive those who have offended us in one way or another. Today we look at the story of a young girl who had to forgive her offenders because she found Christ in the mist of her troubles.
Some of us might be in this stage of our lives struggling with the option of letting go the hurt or holding unto it forever. I have good news for you today, there is no need to hold on to the hurt, you give too much power and importance to the person who you have refused to forgive, open your heart and talk to God today, let him heal your wounds so you can find peace again.
As you read this story,I pray that you are touched by the power of God and your joy is restored. Because, really, it takes God to truly forgive and forget.
Have great time with God today.
–Sixteen-year-old Kelly Putty was a happy teenager with a
bright future. One night, her life was brutally interrupted. She was
running errands when she noticed two men parked next to her car.
“Something did not look right, but again I was from a small town, I was
not trained in any kind of safety or what to look for,” Kelly said.
Kelly ignored the feeling and walked to her car.
“I got as far as putting my key in the lock and a man came up
behind me with a knife and stuck it to my neck and told me if I said a
word he would kill me,” Kelly said. “I really honestly could not think
of what to do. I just froze.”
The men forced Kelly into the car and drove off.
“I was crying and begging them to let me out, and anytime I said
anything they would punch me in the face,” she said. “So I quickly
learned I couldn’t speak or do anything except just submit.”
The men drove to a secluded area and took turns raping Kelly.
“As it is happening it is so surreal, that you can’t image, like
you’re watching a bad movie. You can’t imagine that this is happening to
you,” Kelly said. “I’m in shock. I’m numb. I don’t know what to think.
I don’t know what to feel. You just try to get through it.”
Kelly’s nightmare continued for hours into the night.
“The masks were off. I saw their faces,” Kelly said. “That is when
I thought, ‘I’m gonna die; I’m not going to make it through this.’”
The men put Kelly back in the car and drove off. Then, in a
bizarre twist, the men stopped to pick up the driver’s wife from work.
With the wife at the wheel they drove past the location where Kelly had
been abducted. The police were already on the scene.
“At this point, I saw my help and this was my only chance for
survival; so I, I’m yelling at her to let me out of the car,” Kelly
The woman stopped the car and let her out. She ran to the police
and told them what happened. The men were arrested and later received
life sentences for the severity of their crimes. But Kelly was left with
deep emotional and physical scars.
“After the rape, subconsciously I started letting go of everything
normal to me,” she said. “Start this new life, pretend that this
didn’t happen; I think that was my coping mechanism.”
But the scars remained. In Kelly’s attempt to begin her new life she started dating a boy named Shane. He was a Christian.
“I started going to church with him but I still was not willing to
give my heart to the Lord,” she said. “I was doing what came natural
and that was relying on Shane and trying to forget the past. Bury the
past. That’s probably what I would have continued to do had I not
gotten sick.”
As a result of the rape, Kelly was left with a medical condition that brought on cancer and infertility.
“They started me on these Chemo treatments. It was supposed to
last eight weeks,” Kelly said. “During those eight weeks, Shane started
praying and he got his church praying for me; and when I went back to
the Doctor after the eight weeks, the Doctor was amazed. He said,
‘there is no scar tissue; there is nothing to show that you ever had
any problems.’ This was the same doctor that stood up in court and
testified that I would never be able to have children due to the
complications from the rape.”
Kelly knew she had been miraculously healed by God, but Shane remained the center of her new life.
“I still relied on him to try to take these emotions away from me,
to try to make me feel better,” she said. “I was still hurting from
the rape. But it was so buried, I didn’t realize it, but it was all
coming out in my neediness towards him.”
Before long, Kelly, who was just 17 was pregnant.
“I was petrified,” Kelly said. “When I discovered I was pregnant,
it was a miracle in its self, because the doctor told me I was never
going to be able to have children. So abortion was never an option.”
Kelly and Shane married after graduating from high school. They
attended church regularly. While Shane’s fervor for God grew, Kelly’s
heart remained hard. One Sunday morning, when she was eight months
pregnant, she heard a sermon about what Jesus did on the cross for her.
“All of these things that he was describing were things that I
needed to be free from: the shame, the fear, low self esteem. All
these things that I was still trying to fix myself,” Kelly said. “I
just knew this was my moment. He said, ‘Jesus can take this pain from
you.’ I went down and he prayed with me and I accepted the Lord. That
was just me giving all of my junk to God: the low self esteem, the
shame, the guilt.”
Christ had lifted the shame off of Kelly, and some of the scriptures really spoke to her heart.
“Second Samuel 13, that is the story of Tamar where she was
brutally raped by her brother,” Kelly said. “It was just God speaking to
me, showing me that I was not the only one - you feel so alone, so
shamed, like you are the only person that this has happened to.
Her next step in her journey with Christ was to forgive the people
who raped her and stole so much from her. She tells how this happened.
“I just faithfully prayed about it,” she said. “Then I started
feeling a peace about it. When I thought about the men, I did not have
all the emotions that were tied to them that I had previously.”
Her act of forgiveness was put to the test one Sunday morning
while visiting a church in her home town. The pastor asked people to
come to the front of the church and pray for the person in front of
them. As Kelly looked up, she realized the woman in front of her was
the mother of one of her attackers.
“Instead of her son being the first person I saw when I looked at
her, I was actually looking at her with a mother’s heart,” Kelly said.
“I saw the heart of a mother in her and I saw how broken it was; and I
was able to pray for her and I was able to pray for her son.”
Kelly has been set free from the emotional and physical wounds of
her past. She and Shane have five children and they just adopted a
sixth child from Ethiopia. She is a photographer and in her spare time
she’s an artist.
“I want people to know that they can not make it in this world
without God. I thought I could. I was on a road where I was ruthless and
nothing would ever happen to me,” Kelly said. “But, life happens and
that is when we realize we really need a Savior. It does not matter
what you’ve been through, how ugly it is, what it looks like on the
outside, the shame that comes with it - it can all be lifted off your
shoulders; but only through allowing Jesus to come into your heart.
That is what changes you and then you have to live it. His love and His
grace will just overshadow all of the darkness.”
Culled from The 700 club
Very inspiriing story,I know how hard it is to forgive cos I ve been there.
ReplyDeleteVery touching story,I love your blog cindies K