Tuesday, March 31, 2015

New Arrival: Long Way Home

This is a must read,love is never lost, no matter how long it takes it will find its way back home.



A second chance at love...

Tyler Barnes can’t believe his eyes when Alexis MacAdams walks back into his life. His high school crush left Mangrove Island seventeen years ago and never looked back. He’s held on to the memory of her, even though she never gave him a second glance. Now Alexis is back for the holidays and Tyler is determined to make a lasting impression before she slips away again. He soon learns, however, that her broken heart needs to heal before he has a chance to win it. Can Tyler convince her to risk her heart for a second time?

Where will the tides flow? #Nigeriadecides 2015

Most Nigerian are anxiously waiting to know who becomes the next elected president. I must say this is a very critical period for the people of Nigeria. INEC chairman Professor Jega closed yesterday and will resume his duty of announcing the 2015 Presidential election today around 10am.

So my question is,where will the tides flow?

So far,here are the results for the PDP and APC....

Monday, March 30, 2015


So everyone seem to be tensed with the announcement of the presidential election results,and the best way to celebrate the winner is with this classic horror novel. So guys enjoy your read and don't forget to get under your blanket while reading. Cheers.



Wow!! its that time of the year again when greatness is celebrated, God has been tremendously faithful in all areas of your life, sometimes am amazed at how large he has blessed you. words are not enough to say how much of a great man, Husband and Father you are. Shine bright baby, the world is yours take it.
Happy Birthday. Xoxo

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Today I join the rest of the world to wish Nigeria a free,fair and peaceful Presidential Election. The Bible urges us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Nigeria is our own Jerusalem,so let us take a moment today to pray for our great nation,and may the BEST man win. Vote and not fight,say NO to Violence.


Oh God of creation, direct our noble cause
Guide our leaders right
Help our youth the truth to know
In love and honesty to grow
And living just and true
Great lofty heights attain
To build a nation where peace and justice shall reign.

God Bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!

God Bless the People of Nigeria!!

God Bless Cynthia Kalu Book Club!!!

Friday, March 27, 2015


Fellow Nigerians ( as if i be President!), tomorrow is the d-day we have all been waiting for, a day were we get to decide who becomes our president for the next four years. Here is a good advice...(clears throat) this poem was also read on Smooth FM, so people, its a serious matter, read, listen and be safe.

Take a listen by clicking on the link below...(Hosted by the Internet Archive)

Thursday, March 26, 2015


 Another blockbuster novel for your evening relaxation. meanwhile guys I really need to get your reviews on the books you have read,(na beg i dey ooo),please let's make reading fun for ourselves by discussing the books after reading,thanks my people .
Back to this novel,drop your email for a copy.


 By: Katy Wong

Jason Cohen was like the guy from typical books; rich, popular, sexy - the 'it' guy, but as the girl he had been hearing about all his life, enters his life, everything changes. . . .

Trouble in Fifty Shades Of Grey Paradise; Director Quits

There seem to be some girlie cat fight between the director and author of the widely publicized movie Fifty Shades of Grey. The director of this year’s biggest Hollywood release Fifty Shades of Grey announced on Wednesday that she will not be directing the film’s sequels. Hmmm, okay o, could the reason for this fight be that the promoters thought an even higher level of adult contents should have gone into the film's first release as contained in the book? and remember even for the "little" crazy the director allowed to go into the film, it was BANNED in Nigeria! Well, sources claim the fight is due to creative differences  her and E.L. James the author of the erotic novel on which the movie is based has.


“While I will not be returning to direct the sequels....

Celebrating The Amazing Sarah Jessica Parker As She Turns 50.

Sarah Jessica Parker is an American actress and producer. She is known for her leading role as Carrie Bradshaw on the HBO television series Sex and the City. she was born on March 25,1965,she married actor Matthew Broderick in 1997 and the couple is blessed with two children.
We wish her a Happy Birthday. 

Sarah Jessica Parker style 

let's take a look at some of her most memorable fashion statement.....

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

There was a country: A Book and Unfolding Prophecies by Chinua Achebe

The events playing out in our country today poses great danger that one has had to go back to Chinua Achebe's book to find out if the events of history and prophecies are replaying themselves. Here is a review of this author's masterpiece. As the court sits today to determine the qualification or otherwise of General Muhammadu Buhari, lets sit back and reflect a bit on the country Nigeria. 

What would Nigeria be like after March 28, 2015? your opinion is highly appreciated...

 Rumors of Nigeria’s demise have been somewhat exaggerated. This turbulent and magnetic African megastate endures despite its intense regional, religious and other divisions (the country has an estimated 250 ethnic groups and more than 500 languages).
Nigeria did fracture once, however, and it is this story that Chinua Achebe, a giant of African letters, tells. His memoir of the moment describes when the country, yoked together artificially by British colonizers, split apart at a cost of more than a million lives.


Which would you give up: Food or Sex? Funniest answer wins a gift

Okay, i officially woke up on the naughty side of the bed this morning ( *whatever). So therefore,  I will keep it a naughty Wednesday! So here is a dilemma that has been playing on in my mind and i want you to help me solve it; which would you give up, FOOD or SEX if you had to choose one in your life. Hold-on, before you answer, the condition is that if you do not eat food, YOU WILL NOT DIE and remember that, from what people are telling me, some people cannot go for one day without SEX. So if these are the conditions, which of the two would you rather live without? The best and funniest answer will WIN a special exclusive gift from me. So help me crack this case...


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

RENT A NOVEL: Mr Right Now


Kate Gentry is always the bridesmaid, never the bride. When her best friend asks her to be maid of honor, it just reminds her of how crappy her luck is when it comes to finding her own Mr. Right. Her friends point out she's trying too hard to find Mr. Right instead of having fun with Mr. Right-Now. They convince her to put her search for the perfect man on hold and have some meaningless sex with a hot guy.Kate takes their advice and propositions the gorgeous best man, Dawson McKenna. When he eagerly agrees, she finds herself doing things she never dreamed of. Despite knowing Dawson isn't supposed to be Mr. Right, Kate finds herself falling for him big-time anyway. But since she was the one who made the rules, how can she now tell him she wants more than just a weekend fling?

(mature readers only, *side eye)


Monday, March 23, 2015

Eat, Pray, Love: The Book, The Film And OUR CRAVINGS

To Eat, Pray and Love, i think is man's ( and woman) most necessary dream, yes, forget about what they taught you in school about the Maslow hierarchy of basic human needs. No matter how rich or poor or our skin colour, we crave these three things in our lives. So over the weekend i saw the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" for the hundredth time, and each time i see this movie, i learn a new thing ( and you guys will remember that on Saturday i decided to practice Dolce Far Niete or the sweetness of doing nothing, so sweet by the way and the reason i didn't blog ooo. but am glad i did because this morning i feel so good LOL). Alright back to the article. I will like to take you on a journey and i hope you are ready to ride with me as we Eat, Pray and Love.


Enjoy a delicous love ride of your week.....go

Motivational Monday

Waking up to a new day is a gift, appreciate it and do remember you are loved. Good morning and have a splendid Monday.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


She is probably one of the most iconic novelists and writer  the world has ever known, besides Shakespeare of course. Her books have been made into countless films.  I remember having my "first cuts" as a book lover attending a little book club meeting in my dorm room, it was unforgettable sharing her imaginations as we read one of her classics; Pride and Prejudice by the famous Jane Austen.That very day,I fell in love with books, I saw the world through her eyes and over the years I have made sure to read every single Jane Austen novel I ever came across. I don't know about you but if you have a "thing" for novels, Jane Austen won't disappoint you. so peeps, without much adore, sit  back, relax as we travel into the world of Jane Austen.

And guys Pride and Prejudice is available for rent, as usual,drop your comment on this post for a copy...

Throwback Thursday:A Cinderella Story;Early Morning Short Story

Its Thursday and we are going back to the classic,We are allowed a bit of fairy tale once in a while so
  lets the magic begin.Cheers....

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How to Enjoy a Good Book

Some say that the taste of the pudding is in the eating (pudding here can refer to Amala,  Egusi soup or whatever). Same holds true for books. Books are written to be enjoyed. Once the author has finished "cooking" it, you see it on a store, savour the mesmerizing cover,  dig in and devour it, page after page. 

Reading books is one of life's greatest and most pleasurable activities. Not only do you learn a lot by reading, books take you to far away places that you could only dream of. On top of that, enjoying a book can be a  memorable experience.I can categorically say books changed my life, it started as a seeming punishment for me by my Mum and teachers, but later transcended into something i can't go a day without doing and i know this is also true for many of my readers here. But as tasty as this sounds, some people can't seem to get around to reading a book at least once a week even in today's digital age where you can read books on the go on your mobile phone. Hmmm, now to the crux of this article, i want us to share a few tips on how to enjoy a good book. I will put some tips i have been able to learn and gather, but i would also like to get some tips from you my blog pals on how you enjoy reading the novels i send you despite many pressures.

Early Morning Short Story: Through My Strange Eyes

I listened to this story on radio and I was blown away so I decided to look for it and share with you guys. Enjoy and have a wonderful day.

Through My Strange Eyes by

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

RENT THIS NOVEL FOR FREE: The Wrong Billionaire's Bed

How on earth can a billionaire's bed be wrong? hmmm, let's find out in this intriguing second installment on the series, The wrong Billionaire's bed. Your evening delight is assured.

  Drop your email to get a copy in your inbox. Cheers

TALES FROM A BAD GIRL: Early morning short story

Good morning peeps, welcome to another beautiful Tuesday morning. My guess is, some of you are already in  the office or on your way there? well, guys i have decided to spice up your day with an early morning short story for your entertaining pleasure perhaps before the hectic real day's job starts. Is that a good idea or what? Okay lets kick off, shall we, with this amazing story and guys this post is open to anyone who has a sizzling story that he or she would like to share with us, could be either fictional or non-fictional; FREEDOM  of expression is the word.

 Enjoy your read and have a cokastic Tuesday. Cheers.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Book Review:Beauty and the Billionaire

 Hey guy, welcome to our first official book review. Am sure most of us are done with reading the book: Beauty and the Billionaire.well it's time to share your two cents about the book. Please feel free to rate it too.

Ok guys let the review begin.......

BE INSPIRED:The baby boy doctors said would never survive after his mother's waters broke at 18 weeks celebrates his first birthday

This is a brand new week and most of us are wishing for one miracle or the other to happen to us.This is the amazing story of a woman who doctors have given up on her baby but she hoped for a miracle and got it. let this inspire faith in you and be sure that,  that thing you are hoping for might just be around the corner. So don't give up on your dreams this week because anything is possible.

Beaming with joy, Michael Moloney celebrates his first birthday – a day his mother thought she would never see.But her little boy defied the odds and doctors' warnings that he had no chance of survival. Michelle Moloney was 18 weeks into her pregnancy when she felt his first kick. Hours later, joy turned to alarm as her waters broke.
Read this amazing story...

and he is so cuuuuuuuute, don't you agree?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Happy Mothers' Day

To all mothers on this blog, you the real super heros of the world. Thank you for accepting the most important job in the world. Today is your day. We celebrate you. Happy Mothers Day from all of us.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

WOMEN IN CHARGE: World's Most Powerful Black Women

This week has been all about women, the world celebrated the International Women’s Day and this year’s theme was "Make It Happen", on Sunday, some churches would celebrate Mothers day, but we at Cynthia Kalu Book Club beat them to it; we did an article sometime last week on Women in charge. Today, we will actually be celebrating some prominent women in charge of things in Africa. You my blog pals are one of such people; because readers are leaders. Let's celebrate one another. Still in that same spirit of celebrating women, i have put together a list of World's Most Powerful Black Women and guess what? we have two Nigerian women on the list. Women who have excelled in their professions, inspiring other young girls and women to follow in their footsteps. I believe that a strong women can inspire a new generation of positive thinking women who are not afraid to succeed. As we go through this list, let us have it at the back of our minds that if they can do it, we also can! With hard work,determination and perseverance.  

Here we go...

Friday, March 13, 2015

Tea or Coffee; which should you savour?

 Wakie Wakie! yes i know is about 8am but you have to believe that some people might still be enjoying their sleep up till this time. Good or bad? who cares! as long as you get the needful done for the day. But when you are done with sleep, how do you reawaken your body and mind? do you drink tea or coffee or just nothing? well, let us know. In this article, i would like us to weigh between the two beverages to find out which is better for you. i see some people when they are pregnant refuse to drink coffee, is this right? another set of people make coffee their companion while reading to help them stay awake and mentality active, does this work? well, you have to find out ...



Thursday, March 12, 2015

Yeeeey!! Its Here:Billionaire boys club

OH.MY.GOSH! If you love the story of Beauty and the Beast then this book is for you!!!! It’s SUPER SUPER SUPER CUTE!!!! The first post of our billionaire boys club series is here and we are starting off with :BEAUTY AND THE BILLIONAIRE.

A little summary of the novel; i consider one of Jessica Clare's best, tell me if you agree after reading it cheers...


 I woke up this morning to an SOS mail for the series of the book "The Billionaire boys club" by Jessica Clare. Boy I have been searching for the books,I had to ask for help and just a while ago they got back to me with the books and it didn't come cheap. So guys I have three out of the six books in the series and its up for grabs later today. But first lets learn a little about the author.

Jessica Clare
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Jessica Clare writes under three pen names. As Jessica Clare, she writes erotic contemporary romance. As Jessica Sims, she writes fun, sexy shifter paranormals. She also has a third pen name, because three is more fun than two. As Jill Myles, she writes a little bit of everything, from sexy, comedic urban fantasy to fairy tales gone wrong.

She lives in a teeny tiny town in North Texas that has no Starbucks, which is a cruel and unusual punishment. She spends her time with her husband, pets, and Keurig.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

THINGS FALL APART: The book, the film and the man Pete Edochie

My father was the first person to tell me the story of Okonkwo in the book Things Fall Apart before i even knew it existed. "A book that has become one of the best things that ever came out from Africa".  My father loved the story, so it was a regular moonlight tale for us. He told me the story so very often but up till this day, i cant really remember the reason he kept telling me the story but i remember vividly that i learnt something from it. This morning, i had the urge of reminiscing my father's lovely tale and the book itself. In this post, i have put together quite a bundle of goodies for you my blog pal: you have my persoanl take on the book, a short clip from the film, an inside story about how Pete Edochie got the job and hmmmmm......wait for it..........i also have a free copy of the book to give out... lets go there.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

NEW ARRIVAL:Random Acts of Crazy

Another hot romance for rent for your evening delight. As usual, drop your e-mail in the comment session or send us an e-mail to get this NOW!!!!

Random Acts of Crazy
By: Julia Kent

Random Acts of Crazy (Random Book #1) By: Julia Kent

New York Times bestselling book! First in a series...
I never intended to pick up a naked hitchhiker wearing nothing but a guitar. A guitar. Really. I don't collect guys like that (don't ask what kind of guys I do collect), but when you spot a blonde, tanned, sculpted man with a gorgeous smile and his thumb poking up and practically begging you to stop – you stop...

And I definitely never thought I'd be staring into the bright blue eyes of Trevor Connor, the lead singer for Random Acts of Crazy, an indie rock star I followed like the slobbering fileshare fangirl I am. How he came to be nude and lost six hundred miles from home is quite the tale, but how we fell in love is even more unreal.

Rent Now, no excuse, it's Freee. Way to go,


If any one has the skills to make books feel like haven it's the talented  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I remember reading  Purple Hibiscus and i was wowed by the storyline,use of words and the intense way she tells her story.  Chimamanda is now a household name in the book world and her novel Half of a Yellow Sun has been transformed into an award winning movie.

 Sit back and enjoy as we get to meet this wonderful storyteller.

From Happy to an Author: The Will Pharrell Story

 Pharrell Williams to write children's book based on hit single 'Happy'

He has his own record label, his own clothing line and has written the soundtrack to dozens of films – but Pharrell Williams still has his sights set on other ventures....

Monday, March 9, 2015

Rent a Novel: Evening Temptation

So we have a thing for love, who doesn't right? keep the love flowing this evening with this classic from Nora Robert.Let the TEMPTATION begin.


Socialite Eden Carlbough didn't expect running a girls' camp to be easy, but she never thought she'd literally be run up an apple tree by the little monsters...nor did she think she'd come crashing down into the capable arms of orchard owner Chase Elliot. Chase knew he'd caught a windfall when he looked at the woman in his arms. He didn't like being cast as the serpent, but how could he resist when she'd just offered him such forbidden fruit?

7 Morining Habits of Sucessful People that makes them Extraordinary

Do you often wonder why highly successful people are less stressed, happier and more productive? They know that their personal priorities are worth more than other people’s priorities. Upon waking up, these significantly successful professionals don’t immediately check their email – they make it a point to claim the early hours of the day as their “me” time.

After all, these extraordinary people believe that if their priority needs to be done, then it has to be done first. 
What do highly successful entrepreneurs and executives do upon waking up in the morning?

 Here are seven of them which you can also put to use to have an extraordinary successful life.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Forgiveness After a Painful Experience:The story of Kelly Putty

Forgiveness is one act that is easier said than done;it is excruciatingly very difficult to forgive those who have offended us in one way or another. Today we look at the story of a young girl who had to forgive her offenders because she found Christ in the mist of her troubles.

Some of us might be in this stage of our lives struggling with the option of letting go the hurt or holding unto it forever. I have good news for you today, there is no need  to hold on to the hurt, you give too much power and importance to the person who you have refused to forgive, open your heart and talk to God today, let him heal your wounds so you can find peace again.

As you read this story,I pray that you are touched by the power of God and your joy is restored. Because, really, it takes God to truly forgive and forget.

Have great time with God today.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Rent a Novel: Woman in charge

We are celebrating women today with this spectacular novel. As usual send an e-mail or drop a comment on this post if you want to read this sensation.

To Wed The Widow By: Megan Bryce

To Wed The Widow 

The Reluctant Bride Collection  

By: Megan Bryce  

Romance,Fiction & Literature,Humorous, Historical 

Come back to a time when manners are everything and rules are made to never be broken. Come back to a time when men are in charge and women do what they are told...
Yeah, that never happened.
Welcome to Megan Bryce's Regencyland, where ladies with backbone get what they want. Where a woman can thumb her nose at rules and care little for convention, and yet somehow, unexpectedly and most reluctantly, find love.

To Wed The Widow
A man with a Future, the Honorable George Sinclair would rather poke his eye out than take his place beside his brother and learn How To Be An Earl. But when an earl orders, a brother obeys. And when an earl tries to make his brother steady and responsible and old and gray, well... he just might kill them both.

5 Quotes from movies that will inspire your love life.

whenever i go to see a movie,my major interest is in what  I would learn from that movie.As a romance freak I often see only romantic movies and  today I have put together five quotes from movies which you can apply in your love life.

Relationships can often be frustrating,but the key to conquering that frustration is to find joy in everyday things, including movies. Helpful love tips are actually up for grabs in a lot of cinematic gems.
Here are the 5 best inspirational relationship quotes from movies that are sure to lift the spirits of your love life today.  And Action.


Welcome to the first Friday in this month of Marching forward,what are your plans? Am hitting the salon to look really pretty for DH and if possible set up a date night at home. Enough of me.... Anyways i wish you guys a fun filled Friday with lots of laughter....

let the party begin.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Rent Fifty Shades of Grey Part 2 for FREE Now

Hello peeps,so after reading Fifty shades of grey part one,I knew there was no way I won't read the rest of the story so I decided to look for it and share with you guys. If you are interested please leave a comment below this post or send me an e-mail and let continue this crazy sensation.


Daunted by the singular tastes and dark secrets of the handsome, tormented young entrepreneur Christian Grey, Anastasia Steele has broken off their relationship to start a new career with a Seattle Independent Publishing House (SIP); but desire for Christian still dominates her every waking thought, and when he proposes a new arrangement, Anastasia cannot resist. They rekindle their searing sexual affair, and Anastasia learns more about the harrowing past of her damaged, driven and demanding Fifty Shades.
While Christian wrestles with his inner demons, Anastasia must confront the anger and envy of the women who came before her, and make the most important decision of her life. All about the sex.

Cindies Short Story Series: BESOTTED

BESOTTED a novel by Cynthia Kalu

So, guys, i have been working on this novel of mine, still work in progress though, but i thought to myself, "why don't you, yes, you my blog pals weigh in on it?"  good idea? Enjoy my own effort and let me know what you think. I am pretty sure you will like it..

So here it goes...

7 Inspiring photographs that will give your day a lift

The adage "A picture is worth a million words" or "A Thousand Words photography" refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. In this post we have complied some amazing pictures that will lift your spirit and put a smile on your face. 


See below Inspiring Pictures / Inspiring Photos and add your comments below.


Okay, the raving book now is Fifty Shades of Crazy( that's according to a blog member), no!, Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James. You will agree with me that there is probably no better time to dig in to know more about this author, right? i have done that for your pleasure. First little tit-bits; E.L. James is the pen name of Erika Leonard, author of the best-selling erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey, her popular quotes include: “I really like clever men who challenge you.”—E.L. James.
 According to Forbes, while reporting on her new found wealth through book publishing, "With Fifty Shades of Grey, James showed that hit books can come from anywhere, even the much-derided world of fan fiction. Her trilogy has sold 70 million copies worldwide, many of them electronically as moms secretly read the racy books on their Kindles".

Full gist ahead...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


TRAPPED by Kelvin Alaneme PART2.....

  Enjoy and let me have your feedback......