Monday, March 2, 2015

5 Ways to Build Great Relationships with Your Co Workers 

How is work at the office this morning? Great i suppose, just last week, we shared some tips on how to prepare for what we called "a Kick-ass Interview" and i trust you got the job? hmmm, please let us know if the article was helpful. Today being the first working day of the month, we are up and about in the office, and so should you, in that spirit, we are going to share some tips on how to Build Great Relationships with Your Co-Workers. As you are aware, your are not an island at work, you work for people( your bosses) and on the other hand,  you need people to work with you and for you but how you manage and excel at building these relationships can make for a successful career full of promotions, pay increases and bonuses or a career with stunted growth or even death. You might not know it, but building healthy relationships with your co-workers is an important part of having a successful career.It becomes necessary to build good relationships with co-workers because everyone has their role to play in a company. It is important for everyone to get along – not just for the sake of your career, but for the sake of the company you work for and its success, too. Great co worker relationships help companies create higher performance in the workplace. But how do you build relationships with co-workers to begin with? So, where can you start today? Here are 5 ways to kick-start this great journey to wonderful relationships at work:

1. Be slow to criticize others: 
Criticism or passing blames creates negative energy with co workers at all levels, even your subordinates, rather than criticism, show the person in a non-condescending way how to do it better and take equal responsibility to get things done better. 

2. Be respectful of yourself and others.
When building positive relationships, it is important to act in a respectful manner. Be respectful to your co-workers by listening to their positions and responding in a professional manner. Respect yourself by staying in control of your emotions and using your best judgment when working towards conflict resolution with co-workers. For example: If you are having a disagreement with a co-worker, take a few deep breaths before responding or agree to discuss the issue at a later time so that you can walk away from the situation and come up with an appropriate, professional response.

3. Be willing to compromise and refuse to be right at all things
The work environment requires that co-workers work together as a team. Compromise involves each party getting something that he or she wants so that everyone wins. Don't always want to win every argument or be the Mr. Or Miss right at every discussion.

4. Be Open to Learn and be a team player
Know that the mantra "all of us is better than one of us" is true in the work environment. No matter how good you are, you can never know it all. projecting yourself as knowing everything, can offend alot of people and alienate you from the team. on the other hand, even you are open to listen, hear other people opinions and "pretend to learn", you draw people to you and make yourself likable because people feel positive about themselves when they teach you things. 

 5. Be Personal: Get to know your co-workers on a personal level.
Cultivating relationships with your co-workers can improve work relations and improve your support system at work. Participate in organization-wide volunteer programs, share personal interests during lunch, and find opportunities to spend time with co-workers outside of the office

I hope with these few points of mine, i have be able to inspire us all to build relationships that promote success at your office. Start today, its never too late.

Cheers and have a wonderful month of March.


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