Saturday, May 9, 2015

BOOK REVIEW: ‘Inferno’ by Dan Brown

Hello book club pals,how was your week?Mine was excellent. Well if I can guess correctly,am sure we are through with reading "Inferno" by Dan Brown. Its time to send in your thought about the book. 

The review below was sent in by a wonderful book club member.Have a beautiful weekend and keeping reading and reviewing books in the funniest way possible(make I go ready for party)#wink

Dan Brown is without a doubt one of the best writers of action thriller mystery stories in today's literature. Many years ago with his novel Da Vinci Code he took the world by storm and he became one of the most famous writers in the world. Back then I read most of his novels and I enjoyed every one more than the one before it. I have been waiting for years for him to write another book so that I would be able again to get lost in his deeply imbued world of history.

Dan Brown is often criticized that all his stories and thus all his books are written in the same pattern. Personally I don't find that to be a disadvantage. Yes he uses the same formula in most of his novels but this isn't bad necessarily and it doesn't mean that all his novels are the same! Many great authors (such as Agatha Christie for example) use the same formula in many of their novels but they variate it in such a way that every one of their books is unique! The formula that Brown uses works great with his writing and the stories he wants to tell.

In this particular book however he differentiates from this formula almost entirely. He starts his story with his famous character suffering from amnesia. At first I was hesitant about that choice mainly because I was so used of Brown's usual style of writing that I didn't wanted him to change it. But as the book progressed it is amazing how that choice made me to not be able to put it down. It made everything more mysterious.

However even though Brown does not follow his usual formula with this book, all the elements I love about his stories are still here. He combines action with mystery, historical and science elements in an outstanding way and he creates an action thriller that you just cannot put down.

One of the most great aspects of his books for me are the historical elements and all the interesting information he puts inside his books. The information that he gives are so well presented and so interesting after you are done with the book you will find yourself wanting to learn more about the history and all the conspiracy theories he presents in it.

Another great element that really is one of the reasons that I like his books so much is the setting. Brown always uses a gorgeous place as the background of his story. Τhis time the setting is actually three breathtaking cities. How the story and action gets entwined with the mesmerizing descriptions of the building and places, descriptions that really make you feel like you are there with his characters is absolutely amazing.

His writing in general is another great part of his books.It is so very cinematographic, very easy to read. Throughout his career he really improved his writing. In this book the action scenes are better portrayed  than never. And he even uses complex expressive means that you rarely see in books like these. There are some chapters at the second half of Inferno that are written in such a way that you get an entirely false impression of what happens. It is amazing how he used language in this part of his story...

And lastly the last main ingredient that makes his books so good are the twists and the action. He sets almost all his story upon continuous twists and exponential action. You just cannot predict what will happen next. The revelations are socking. The twists along with the numerous plot threads knit a tight story that will have you on the edge of your seat from the first page until the very last one.It is amazing how easily Dan Brown impart adrenaline to the reader.

What I don't like sometimes about Dan Brown's books is that he rushes the ending too much without giving a full explanation to all of my questions. In this book the ending is quite interesting and different but he took the same risk by rushing the ending. I cannot fully explain what I mean without spoiling the book but I will just say that I needed sometime to digest it.

In conclusion, Dan Brown's novels in general may not be great literature but they are excellent for spending a few fun hours while reading them. This one however is a step further than just that. Inferno is probably Dan Brown's best story to date and undoubtedly the most scary one. It gives so much food for thought.

Whats your own two cents about the book?.

1 comment:

  1. Dan Brown never disappoints in his novels. Very suspence filled and unpredictable. I really enjoyed the novel.
