Saturday, April 18, 2015

STARTING OVER PART 2 (By Marissa Dobson): Cindies Shortstories

Scott tried to distance himself from her, to build walls between them. But this time it seemed harder than before. His body fought against him, his shaft stiffening. He wanted to reach out and touch her. What he wanted and what he needed were two different things, and he wasn’t sure which would win out in the end.
Against his better judgment, he laid his hand over hers, cupping it closer to his cheek. “I could never hate you.”

“Then let me help you.”
“Even if I needed your help, which I don’t, it wouldn’t be a very good idea.” He looked down at her, hating the sadness in her eyes. It made him want to kiss her, to tell her that he was still in love with her. Instead he kept his mouth shut and slipped his hand away. “There’s nothing to worry about.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’ve already told them I was retiring, they’ve known for a few months and were one of the first I told.”
“You think they’ll let you walk away with the secrets you know and that will be it? I’ve read the FBI file on them. People have been killed for less things.”
No, they have enough on me that if I were to say anything to anyone, they’d pull me down with them. But he couldn’t tell her that. “It’s a chance that must been taken, but I’ve been told that as long as the lawyer who has taken over the practice continues to work for them, there will
be no problems. Well, that and I don’t say anything about my dealings with them.”
“I never thought you could be so naïve.” She stepped back until she was pressed against the counter that separated the kitchen and living room.
“Not naïve, just hopeful that I’ll be able to have some kind of life again. It’s why I’m leaving the city. I’ve considered moving out of the state and just before J.R. alerted me that you were in need I had been considering staying here. Maybe teaching at the community college.
Either way, I’m leaving the city.”
“You think this is far enough from their reach?”
“No. It’s several hours from the city but if they wanted to come after me they’d find me no matter where I went. I won’t live in fear. I’ve done my job for them and that’s as far as things go.
I’m done practicing law, city life, and everything else. I just want some peace and quiet.”
She tipped her head sideways and looked at him. “You’d really give up the city, your fast paced career, and everything to move here? You always complained that this town was too small for you and that there was nothing here for you.”
“Let’s just say in the last several years I’ve learned there’s more to life than go-go-go. I’ve been coming up here more and more over the years, it seems like maybe this is where I’m supposed to be after all.” He polished off his beer before he pushed himself off the counter to stand upright. He didn’t care that there was still a few hours until midnight, all he wanted was to get some distance between them. “I think we both need some rest. I’ll set my alarm to wake me up every two hours so I can check on you.”
“That isn’t necessary.”
“It is. You hit your head and you were unconscious. It’s likely you have a concussion.” He tossed the beer bottle in the trash. “I’m sure you remember where the guest room is. I’ve laid out some dry clothes for you. They aren’t going to fit very well but it’s the best I can do.”
She looked down at her clothes, as if realizing for the first time that everything she had in the car had gone off the mountain. She’d been aware of that, but now she was finally wondering
what to do about it. No clothes, toothbrush, nothing. Just the damn purse with her laptop she’d slung over her shoulder as she climbed out the back of the car. “Thanks.”
“Goodnight.” Needing a quick escape, he slipped past her and headed toward the back of the cabin where the only two bedrooms were.
In the safety of what could be consider the master bedroom, except without the extra space most master suites had, he leaned against the closed door and took a deep breath. How he was going to get through the next two days of this storm before they could even think about getting out was beyond him. He sucked in a deep breath as he realized midnight would be upon them
soon. They were stuck together for what was supposed to be one of the most romantic holidays of the year. At that moment he’d rather have faced the whole mafia with guns blazing than have
to spend New Year’s with her.
* * *
Liz stood in the kitchen and watched him walk away with J.R. prancing after him. The German Shepherd’s nails clicked on the worn hardwood floor, as if announcing their departure.
The innocence of it made it so much harder to bear.
It was New Year’s Eve and she was alone. If she wanted that, she could have stayed home.
Instead, she was snowbound with Scott and he just walked away from her as she had done to him years ago. He had closed her out and no matter what the kiss had indicated he didn’t seem
interested in being anywhere near her. She hadn’t known until he kissed her just how much she had missed him and wanted to be with him. All the years apart and she never even considering finding someone else. Her heart had always been his and always would be, even if he didn’t want
Part of her wanted to go after him and fight for what they once had, but the years of division spanned longer than her reach. There was nothing she could say or do that would take back what she had done to him. The day she left, she had crushed everything they could have had together.
Now all that was left was distance.
She grabbed her laptop to pull up the files she had saved. There had to be something in there
that could be used in exchange for his freedom from them. She wasn’t convinced the mafia
would let him leave with all he knew, but since he seemed content enough to let it be it was up to her to find a way to save him. She might have failed him once, but she wouldn’t do it again. This time she’d prove to him that there was something worth fighting for.
* * *
Time crept by while Scott sat on the edge of the bed, the engagement ring box in his hand.
J.R. laid in the middle in the bed, completely unaware that his owner was in turmoil. Fifteen
years ago seemed liked a lifetime ago, but that’s when he had it all. Now, he couldn’t believe he
didn’t have everything he thought he would have had at this point in his life. His law practice
might have been successful, but it had lost its luster.
The diamond sparkled as the light from the small bedside table lamp hit it, and he
remembered the day he’d seen it in the window. He had been on his way back from lunch,
heading to his office to meet with a client, when the window display at the jeweler’s a block
from his office caught his eye. It shined like a beacon through the storm clouds that hung
overhead and he knew it was perfect. Not wasting a second, he bought it, called to make
reservations at their favorite restaurant for dinner that night, and planned to propose. It was all so
storybook perfect…until she walked out on him.
Now, just when he was about to start his life over again, she walked in, throwing everything
off balance. His body had reacted as if a day hadn’t passed by, and she could still bring his shaft
to attention with only a look. While his body wanted to pick up where they left off, his heart
remembered the pain of losing her. He might have been to blame for what happened between
them, but could the two of them really go back to what they had?
The ring box slammed shut, echoing through the room, and he knew he wanted to try. He
loved her and wasn’t about to let her slip through his fingers a second time. He glanced at the
clock; two hours had passed. Rising from the bed, he looked down at his plaid pajama bottoms
and his bare chest. For a moment he considered slipping a shirt on but decided it was time to
begin to claim his woman. Now or never.
He pulled open the door and could see the light still on in the living room. “You better not
have fallen asleep on the sofa.” There she was, stretched out in front of the fireplace, her laptop
in front of her. “Liz, you’re supposed to be resting. You’ve hit your head, you shouldn’t be
working. What the hell is so important?”
Her whole body shook, clearly startled. “What?” With a yawn she reached up and closed her
He shook his head. “Nothing has changed with you, has it? You’re still hardheaded.”
“When it’s about someone I care about, then yes.” She rose off her stomach and sat crosslegged.
“What do you want, anyway?” Her tone made it clear she didn’t like being interrupted.
“It’s been two hours, I came to check on you.”
“Two hours?” She glanced up at the mantel to the clock before she looked back at him.
“Wow. I didn’t realized I had been working that long. Don’t bitch, I’ll quit now. See you in two
hours, I’ll be in the guest room, then.”
Dismissed, he turned on his heels. Well, that could have gone better. Damn it, how was he
supposed to make things better between them if she snapped at him every time they were in the
same room together? He couldn’t understand what she wanted from him. Then again maybe she
wanted nothing from him and that pained him more than he thought it would have.
He kicked his bedroom door shut and slipped out of his pajama pants before climbing into
the bed. His thoughts twisted and turned when it came to her as he reset his alarm for two hours.
Rest, that’s what he needed if he was going to be on top of his game to pass carefully through the
murky waters of Liz Hoffman.
He flicked off his bedside table when a tap on his door echoed throughout the room. “Yes.”
The door opened; not waiting for an invitation, she strolled in. “I was a bitch and I’m sorry.”
She lowered herself to sit on the side of the bed, and he wished he wasn’t naked under the
blanket but he hadn’t expected her to just stroll into his room. J.R. brought his head up to look
back at them before laying it back down. “There’s nothing to apologize for.” When she tucked a
curl behind her ear, the urge to wrap his arms around her and pull her down into bed with him
coursed through him.
“Scott…” Her voice broke before she seemed to gather control of herself. “I screwed up
years ago but…”
“Stop, that’s in the past.”
“Damn it, let me finish.” She took his hand into hers. “What I’m trying to say is that I’ve
never stopped loving you. I understand that you’ve moved on and I’ll respect that, but I wanted
you to know how I felt.” She stood, but he grabbed hold of her hand, stopping her from leaving.
“You should have confronted me, maybe I’d have seen reason and told you what was going
on then.” He shook his head. “I don’t know what I would have done, but I know this…maybe we
wouldn’t have wasted all these years.”
“What are you saying?”
He tugged her back down onto the bed. “That I’ve loved you since you poured coffee all
over my law papers and I still love you. It’s always been you, Liz, always.”
Chapter Four
Unlike the first two hours, these passed in a blink of an eye and the alarm buzzed again.
Midnight. Scott didn’t need to wake Liz to check on her because she was laying in his arms. For
two hours, they had cuddled and talked. It was just like old times, when they’d spend hours lying
in bed just being with each other, not letting their busy lives get in the way.
“It’s New Year’s.” He dragged his fingers through her hair.
“The night we first met. That party, I can’t even remember who threw it, but there you were
through the crowd, having just as miserable a time as I was.” He teased his finger along her
jawbone. “The only woman I’ve ever wanted.”
She smiled at him, her eyes glistening as she remembered. “We left the party and went for
coffee. At the stroke of midnight we were walking through the park and we could hear people
celebrating in Times Square. It was freezing with the snow lightly falling around us. The perfect
first date.”
“One of many more as I won you over with my sparkling charm,” he joked.
She laid her hand on his chest. “What does that mean for us now? Are you going to woo me
“There’s no wooing this time. After all, we’re snowbound and when I bought supplies I
hadn’t planned on winning anyone over, nor did I plan for company.”
“Very well.” She slipped off the bed and grabbed the edge of the blanket before he could
take hold of her wrist.
“What are you doing?”
“I thought I’d climb under the blanket with you and you could help chase this chill from my
“I’m naked under here,” he warned.
“What an even better way to get rid of the chill.” She winked at him, tugged off her jeans,
and slipped under the covers to lay next to him. “I’ve waited years to have you hold me again,
but I think maybe I want more than just a cuddle session. Make love to me.”
“After fifteen years, you think we can just pick up where we left off?” He raised an eyebrow
at her.
“Maybe not where we left off, but it doesn’t mean we can’t give us another shot. We deserve
it. We’re amazing together.” She ran her hand along his chest, lower and lower, until she found
his shaft, which was already standing at attention. “Your body is saying you want me, so why
deny either of us the pleasure?”
“How is this good for either of us, if after the storm is over you just take off again?”
“You won’t be able to get rid of me that easy.” She wrapped her hand around his shaft,
adding just enough pressure to make him squirm. “What do you say? Are you willing to live for
the moment? I am and I want you.”
“Oh, sugar, I’m more than willing.” He rolled toward her, pushing her onto her back. J.R.
must have become annoyed with them because he finally woke from his slumber and jumped off
the bed, only to take up his spot on his doggy bed with a huff. “Take the rest of these clothes
“If you say so.” She let go of his shaft, and tugged her sweater over her shoulders, leaving
only her bra and panties.
“Oh, it’s been so long.” He reached out with his free hand and cupped her cheek, caressing
along her jawline. “Sugar, you’re beautiful.” He closed the distance between them, claiming her
Wanting more of her, he let his tongue slip into her mouth and explore. Their tongues
danced together and his hands slid around her body as he worked on the clasp of her bra, then
slipped it off. Freeing her breasts, he cupped them, his thumbs teasing over the nipples.
“I’ve missed having your hands on my body.” She stared at him while she slid her hand
down his chest until she found his shaft again. She wrapped her fingers around it and rubbed
down the length.
“Mmm, I missed you.” The smell of sweet strawberries from her shampoo and the round
curves of her body only made him harder as she settled against him.
Her hand caressing his shaft broke the last of his control. He wrapped his arms around her,
pulling her to him, and lowered his head. Their lips met, her mouth opening, letting his tongue
explore. He slipped his hands under the blanket, grabbing her ass to lift her on top of him,
forcing her to let go of his shaft as she straddled his waist.
His groin throbbed with desire. He wanted nothing more than to have her scream his name.
He broke the kiss, enjoying her warm breath over his face. “You should have never left…we’ve
missed out on so much of each other’s lives.”
“We’ll have to make up for it now.” Her breath came in gasps. “I want your hands on my
body, your lips on mine. Please…”
Without further invitation, he ripped the thin material of her panties, and slid his hands over
her hips. He leaned up to meet her body, trailing kisses from her neck, down. Hunger coursed
through him, demanding he speed his pace, but he denied it. He wanted to take his time, get
reacquainted with every inch of her body. He claimed her nipples, sucking them and flicking his
tongue over each one.
“Oh, Scott,” she moaned, running her hands down his back.
Reluctantly, he released her nipple to lay kisses over her shoulder and up her neck until he
could gaze into her eyes. He slid his hand between their bodies, his fingers slipping between her
folds, tantalizing her. She arched her back, giving his fingers deeper access. As the moonlight
accentuated her body, she rode his fingers to orgasm.
“Please, I need you. I want you inside of me. Now.”
He moved his hands to her hips and lifted her. “Up.” When she hovered above him, he
adjusted so his shaft stood just below her entry. She slowly lowered down. Filling her inch by
inch, he pushed her up with her hips before entering her completely. Steadily, he guided their
pace with his hands on her hips.
He leaned forward, locking his mouth on her nipple and sucking until she moaned in
pleasure. Her hips increased their pace, driving him forcefully into her with each pump. His
thrusts became deeper and faster in a perfect rhythm.
Her body tightened around his shaft and she dug her nails into his chest. “Oh, Scott!” she
cried out as his own release followed.
Breathless, he brushed her hair from her face. He wanted to see her. Her eyes were glossy
and dreamy, the aftermath of amazing sex. She slid off him to stretch out and snuggle against his
body. Content, he pulled the sheet over them, and he cradled her, caressing her spine with long,
lazy strokes.
“I’m sorry for before. I should have come to you and forced you to talk to me.” Her fingers
rubbed small circles down his chest.
He kissed the top of her head. “Shh, sugar. It’s the past, what matters is now.”
She glanced up at him. “We missed so much.”
She was right, they did miss so much, but now was their chance to get it all back. He wasn’t
about to let go of this second chance. “Stay with me.”
He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “No, stay here permanently. I don’t know
where I’m going or what I’m doing, but stay with me.”
“I love you and there’s so much we have to make up for.”
She just stared at him for a moment before she finally nodded. “Let’s go to Paris. We’ve
always wanted to go there and now is our chance. You need to get away from New York and I
can’t reasonably expect to be able to return to my job after I ran out in the middle of the day
claiming some big emergency. Let’s start over together.”
“Let’s do—” He wasn’t able to finish it before his cell phone rang. He glanced at the clock,
just after two in the morning. Who the hell was calling him at this time of the night? He grabbed
the phone from the nightstand and the screen read Dan. “Shit!”
“Who is it?”
“Dan Marino.” When the name left his lips, fear lit up her eyes. “I’ve got to take this and I
want you to be quiet.” He laid back on the bed and brought the phone to his ear. “Hello.”
“We need to talk,” the Dan said.
“I’m assuming it’s important due to the time of this call. Otherwise, I might get upset.” He
had to trust his gut, even as Liz tensed in his arms. Dan Marino had always liked that Scott spoke
his mind and was willing to risk it all for what he believed in.
“Marcus is upset you’re not going to represent him during his upcoming trial.”
Marcus was Dan’s nephew and had been moving up in the ranks over the last few years. “I
understand, but you’ve known for months. The law field isn’t what I want to do any longer.
Marcus has a very capable lawyer and I have no doubt that everything will be fine.”
“He needs you,” Dan pressed.
“I thought we had an agreement…”
“We do. I wanted to let you know that tonight he’s decreed that if he’s convicted, he’s
holding you responsible. If he’s imprisoned, he’s already declared who will hunt you down and
kill you. Is this a chance you still want to take for this so-called new life? Why not come back
and work directly for us?”
“Because it’s not what I want. I just want to live a quiet life, leave the city, and maybe do
some traveling.”
“Then you’re risking your own life. But if you think the new lawyer can handle it, so be it.”
There was a pause before Dan spoke again, disdain lacing his voice. “He’s very young.”
“Young, yes…but with a drive like I had when you found me. It’s the reason he’s taken over my
practice. He’ll be perfect. You’ve got to make Marcus trust him, otherwise Marcus will seal his
own fate.” He didn’t wait for Dan to reply, instead he hit the end button, and tossed his phone
aside. It was New Year’s and all fates would be decided in the end, but he knew he was finally
doing what was right.
Every morning Scott took his coffee out onto the little balcony off their bedroom and
enjoyed it while looking across at the Eiffel Tower. He couldn’t believe only six months had
passed since Liz had strolled back into his life. They had spent every waking moment making up
for lost time. Traveling to places they’d always wanted to go to, exploring each other, most of all
falling in love all over again. There was no better place to do that than Paris.
Marcus had managed to get off with a slap on the wrist, leaving Scott off the hook once
again. He hadn’t heard from Dan or any other mafia connections since that New Year’s call and
for the first time in over fifteen years he finally felt like he could breathe again.
He slipped his hand into his pocket just to feel the ring box. He had picked up the ring from
the jeweler’s the day before; it was the same ring but now the outside of the band was inscribed.
It read, to the woman who has always been in my heart.
Today was the day he was going to propose, and if she accepted, he hoped they could marry
on New Year’s. It seemed appropriate considering how that day had brought them together
“Scott…” Liz stood in the doorway, her own coffee mug in hand. “What’s on your mind?”
He turned to her and smirked. “You.” J.R. came to stand beside her. At one time the dog had
been indifferent to her, now he’d become her constant companion. It was nice to see that J.R. had
taken to her that easily.
“I hope they’re good thoughts.”
He sat the mug on the railing and decided now was as good a time as any, with the Eiffel
Tower in the background. He pulled the box from his pocket and knelt before her. “Liz, we tried
this before and got it all wrong, but you’ve always been the only one for me. Would you do me
the honor of being my wife?”
Tears spilled down her face. “Yes.” He slipped the ring on her finger and she sank down
onto her knees in front of him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “I love you.”
“As I love you for now…and always.” He leaned forward and claimed her lips with a deep
kiss. They’d finally made it.


  1. Beautiful read. Well done Cindy

  2. I just looove romance novels :) ,it always leaves me smiling. thanks Cindy.
