Wednesday, February 18, 2015


How many of you got to hear bedtime stories as kids?  I did, especially those witty ones about the tortoise and the lion and other great stories. I am dangerously worried that i may not have enough to tell my kids since the culture of telling bedtime stories is gradually been replaced by games and internet. This worries me a lot because i know it is one way to bond with your kids and to kindle their interest in reading.
Since i know am not the only one in this space, the Cynthia Kalu Book Club have decided to #bringbackthebedtimestories to this blog. every evening till my arms fall off i will share a bedtime story, which you can read to your kids but we have to make a pact, okay?  that for every story i share, you guys will come back to share how your kids reacted to the story and if it has had any positive impact on them.
Okay, enough of the pep-talk, now here goes our first story on this series tiled Little Larry & the LadyBug. Here it goes...


Little Larry & the LadyBug

There once was a ladybug,
whose name was Laurie Ann,
and the humming bird was her biggest fan.
They were both very sweet,
and they kept the aphids off the food we eat.
Now Laurie Ann’s body was speckled with spots and
red, because she laughed allot.
One day while removing aphids from a strawberry,
Laurie Ann,  met a worm named Larry.
Now Larry, was as green as any worm she had ever
seen! She knew this was from the chlorophyll in the
leaves he ate. So they sat and talked awhile, and
then, Larry, asked her out for a date. Laurie Ann
blushed a little, and Larry, wiggled with excitement in
anticipation for her answer. Finally she managed to
say," Yes", and Larry said,” Thank you Lord, I am

They decided to meet under an old apple tree, in an
orchard by the creek, where all of the gardens, and
the valley below they could see.
Larry talked, and talked, about how one day soon, he
would make a cocoon and turn into a beautiful,"
Laurie Ann, laughed, and laughed, and fell from the
tree, and into the creek with a splash! She went
down, down, down, and around to Blueberry Bend,
where she was plucked from the water, by her
feathered friend, the humming bird. “Thanks!” she
said at last, through a sputtering gasp of air.
"What happened?” asked the humming bird, as she
came to rest on a branch. Laurie Ann replied," I was
laughing so hard, I fell from the apple tree at the old
farmer’s ranch. Poor Larry was still at the top, when I
dropped into the creek. Would you be so kind to
carry me back, and see if he is still where we sat?”
The humming bird said," I can", and started her fan.
They arrived not a moment to soon, for Larry was
almost done building his cocoon, and as they landed
on a branch the hummingbird asked Larry," What are
you going to do with that?". While Larry continued
working, Laurie Ann explained that," Larry", was
going to turn into a butterfly, with beautiful wings, and
Larry chimed in and said," And I'm going to fly
AROUND the world, and find a beautiful girl, with
which I plan to make my family. When up popped a
squirrel that had a nut and chattered,"You can't do
that! Can't you see that the lady bug loves you? If
you leave, she will be bitter! She doesn't even want
you to change, but if you do, she will love you just
the same".
Larry stopped, and thought hard for a moment. He
then said," This I know is true, and I love her too, but
she can't fly, and I want to see the world".
Lady bug Laurie Ann sighed, spread her wings, took
flight, circled the tree, and landed right beside him!
Larry smiled and yelled with delight," YOU CAN FLY"!
"Yes", said Laurie Ann, I never told you, I don't know
why...I guess it's because you are a worm, and I
didn't think it was of any concern.
Larry giggled like a silly little worm, and wiggled his
way down into his cocoon, soon to be a butterfly,
and discover the world, with a pretty little lady bug,
who's name was, "Laurie Ann".



  1. Beautiful story dear can't remember the last time I read books with such play of word and beautiful character. The kind Humming bird and all of them I will read it to my 4year old nephew hope he doesn't ask too many questions. Enjoyed it thou

    1. Thanks for reading,am sure your newphew will enjoys it and if he ask too many questions,just give it to him as assignment.

  2. These books from Cynthia kalu are fun and very interesting. Try get one and you will love it. Amazing books. We love these books.

    1. Welcome to the book club. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. This is such a unique blog. The story is so exciting and am sure my kids will love it

  4. CynthiaKalubooks are fun and very interesting. Try reading one yourself and you will ask her for more.
    She is amazing!!. We love you and your books. Keep it up!.

  5. Wow! I loved it, keep it up darl.
