Friday, February 27, 2015


Poor little lost one, was very smart, but was
overly interested in all the things of the world. For
this reason he often daydreamed of imaginary
things, of how he thought life should be, and
motorized swings. When he was young, he only
thought of things that he thought were fun, and
didn't pay attention to the teachers or others in

Story continues...

Now little lost one was a duck, who didn't have
much luck, when it came to being on time,
because he was always daydreaming, but with
him this was fine.

Until one day he wasn't paying attention, and was
dreaming about play, and didn't notice the school
bus he got on wasn't going his way.
While in route, he began to doubt, when and if he
was going to make it home in time for dinner. It
was getting late, and his mother began to worry,
because he always got off the buss at 4:20.
When he got home at last, his mother was mad,
and made him take out the trash.

The next day came, and as always the same, he
was daydreaming, and was late again, and
missed the school buss. It then began to rain.
He started walking to school, and as he walked,
he thought and thought why he never paid
attention. And as he thought, he found himself
lost in the woods. Oh how he wished he could pay
attention like he should.

Now he thought about a story he once heard,
about a goose that once got loose from a farmer,
and was now the smartest creature of the wood.
Perhaps if he could ask her how, to pay attention,
she would teach him.

Just then he heard a loud noise, and his hair
stood on end! He thought of all the dangers he
had heard about getting lost in the woods, and
then he was scared! He wanted to run, but he
didn't know where when a moose jumped out of
the bush, and stared straight at him!
Little lost one knew he was fast, but not enough to
out run a" MOOSE"!

Little lost ones eyes grew wide with fright! He saw
the moose’s teeth, and thought he might bite!
Then the moose smiled and said," Come child,
and stay awhile. You are no doubt, lost. Let us sit
down and talk of your troubles. Then we will get
you back to where you are supposed to be, on
the double. It seems to me you think too much, of
how things are, and how you think they should
be". The moose then bowed his head whispered
and said," Think of tomorrow, but act today, in
this way you will pay attention today, and act on
your thoughts tomorrow, living your dreams...
Not getting lost!".

Little lost one said," thank you Mr. Moose. Now, I
don't suppose you know where I could find the
goose that got loose from the farmer do you?”
The moose laughed and said," Who put that in
your head? It wasn't a goose that got loose. It
was I, Mr. Moose," and he showed him the scars
from the cart the farmer made him pull.
Then he said," Now it is time for you to go.
Follow me, and I will show you the way.
When he got home, he was listening to what his
mother had to say about his missing school that
day, when once again his mind began to stray,
and he wasn't paying attention. He was thinking
about what he could do tomorrow, that he learned


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